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About Us

IOYUG is technology news website that mostly focus on sharing latest updates on various topics that matters in everyday life. Here is everything you need to know about us:

What is IOYug and What we do
On this website we cover tech news as well as guides that you may find really helpful in day to day use. We try our best to share stories and innovations that might deserve your time and attention. From keeping up with current trends to event and updates from popular brands, we try our best to keep you informed.

What else do you write about?
Part of our website is dedicated to sharing helpful informative guides that will help you in troubleshooting some issues or make a purchase decision about gadgets you might wanna buy like phones, laptops, accessories, pc components etc.

Sometimes we also write about topics that our editorial staff is interested in, For example – We have categories for Space, Future Tech, Electric cars, Mountain bikes and even Formula 1. All of which offers a lot in terms of innovation and technology. So as long as it’s related to tech in some way, you may find it here on this website.

Accuracy of Information
We try our best to share accurate and up to date information but we all know how quickly things change and mistakes do happen. But still, If there is an error in our posts, we will try to solve it as soon as possible.

How to reach out and contact us
You can connect with us using all major social media sites, by interacting with us in the comments or through email on our Contact page.

Thank you for reading about us.